An Approachable, Friendly, Fine-Art Gallery
57100 Beaver Drive
Sunriver Village, Building 19
Sunriver, OR
(541) 593-4382
This could perhaps be the most perfect ski season in many years! After a fun day on the mountain, celebrate at the Sunriver Artists’ Gallery in the Village – skiing attire is entirely acceptable. You should also visit even if you were just reading a good book by the fire. Party from 4-6pm at Second Saturday March 8, where our artists will be serving food and drink and showing off the newest pieces of art.
Featured this month is painter Bonnie Junell. Bonnie considers herself an expressive realist + impressionist. Well, she is all those things and more. The mood, emotion, and energy of her paintings is expressed using color and texture. Junell can and does paint almost any subject. In each painting, she presents the subject in simple terms, but her technique converts the subject into a complete artistic story. Her beautiful presentation of local landscapes has always been in demand at the Gallery. However, Junell also provides her collectors with smaller paintings of the most precious birds and animals and children. Most recently she completed a series of the sweetest and most whimsical quail families.
Junell also teaches the popular monthly “Sip and Paint” classes. Everyone has a great time and leaves with a beautiful piece of art. See additional information to register on the Gallery’s website.
Also featured in March is potter Diane Miyauchi. Miyauchi has beautifully married form and function with her pottery. The artist truly enjoys making art that collectors enjoy daily. She also likes to make art that is fun and has a sense of humor. The style of her pottery pieces is simple and clean with a glaze that is spontaneous and always unique – yet all the pieces match and work together. She makes bowls, plates, mugs, strainers, serving dishes and things that make you laugh. Many of Miyauchi’s collectors have entire sets of her work. It is not uncommon to have a single collector almost wipe out all the stock in her display! One of the most coveted of her pieces is her clever sponge holders which sit proudly right next to her beautiful shiny Raku vases.

Demo by Cheryl Chapman

Demo by Dianne Lay
“Attached is a sample (Treasured View) of the technique that I will demonstrate. It uses water and pigment, as I manipulate the paper, to let the mixture flow and the pigments blend. Various tools, with minimal brush work, are then used for marks that enhance and define the resulting image. Very messy, but fun – it is basically a collaboration between me and the watercolors.”
General Info:
Jury Inquiry:
Member Application Form
Betty Gray Gallery:
57100 Beaver Drive
Sunriver Village, Building 19
Sunriver, OR
Artists' Gallery Sunriver
P.O. Box 4292
Sunriver, OR 97707
Phone: (541) 593-4382