An Approachable, Friendly, Fine-Art Gallery
57100 Beaver Drive
Sunriver Village, Building 19
Sunriver, OR
(541) 593-4382
Artist Dialog Series with Mark D Shelton

Locals’ Weekend 2021
Another fantastic event, our 4th annual celebration of our local community was a huge success! Food, drinks, live music, lively conversation... and best off all, 1600lbs of food and $593 in cash donations were collected for Care & Share, our local food bank. Each year...
Art and Wine at the Artists’ Gallery – September 2021
Art is all about the senses so it just seems right that wine and art would be a perfect complement to each other. You can participate in this unscientific discovery at the Artists’ Gallery Sunriver by stopping by for our Second Saturday Celebration, September 11 from...

Artist Demonstration – June 12, 2-4pm
SUNRIVER EXHIBITS : June 12th 2021 Artist demonstration at Artists Gallery Sunriver with Jewelry Artist, Amy Pfeiffer. Amy will be demonstrating the art of foldforming metal. Many of the shapes that come out of foldforming resemble many things found in nature and...

Meet Jesse Pemberton!

December 2020
When was the last time that you gifted someone with something so special that you could hardly wait to see the recipient’s face light up upon opening the box? This is not going to be a typical holiday shopping season; many shoppers will be utilizing the internet for...

Virtual Lecture with Christian Murillo
Virtual Lecture: Photographic Storytelling of Central Oregon Landscapes Between the high desert, soaring mountains, alpine lakes, and its flowing rivers, Central Oregon provides ample stunning wilderness to immerse yourself in and is a photographer’s dream. Join...
November 2020
The artists at the Artists’ Gallery Sunriver have much to be thankful for. During the COVID quarantine, both residents and visitors have demonstrated support by continuing to visit the gallery and make purchases. It may not be the gallery’s best sales year, but it...
News & Reviews
General Info:
Jury Inquiry:
Member Application Form
Betty Gray Gallery:
57100 Beaver Drive
Sunriver Village, Building 19
Sunriver, OR
Artists' Gallery Sunriver
P.O. Box 4292
Sunriver, OR 97707
Phone: (541) 593-4382