An Approachable, Friendly, Fine-Art Gallery
57100 Beaver Drive
Sunriver Village, Building 19
Sunriver, OR
(541) 593-4382
Marjorie Cossairt

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Relocating in 2003 from the Willamette Valley to Central Oregon and with our home construction completed, I enrolled in a watercolor class in the fall of 2005 which was being offered locally. At the time, I was working in stained glass but have always been intrigued with watercolors. Without any painting experience or formal art background and drawing not my strong suit, I was a bit worried and intimidated. Not having the necessary supplies, I planned on just sitting in at the class; however, the other students gave me paper, brushes and paint to use so I was able to participate. I didn’t know what I was doing, but still had fun. The instructor suggested painting every day, so I’m doing just that!
Living in Central Oregon on twenty acres of open meadow land with four horses and views of Mt. Bachelor, Paulina Peak, and the Little Deschutes River, my paintings are influenced by the beautiful natural surroundings. The landscape and the creatures that share my world are the subjects of my artwork. The fluidity of the medium as well as the interaction of pigment and water along with a blend of spontaneity and control are the essence of my paintings. In experimenting and discovering different techniques, my approach to watercolor is mostly intuitive, working in a carefree manner creating shapes and textures, resulting in representations of reality.
I would like to thank all the people who have supported my artwork from the very first year began to sell paintings. I greatly appreciate the support as it allows me to keep doing what I do. Thanks to all who come up to me at the gallery or shows to let me know how much they like my work. It motivates me to keep painting!